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[6781] "Sonars and Strandings: Are Beaked Whales the Aquatic Acoustic Canary",
Acoustics Today, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 45-55, 08/2014.
[1330] "Supreme court wrestles with whales vs. sonar",
Oceanus, vol. 47, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 42-43, 09/2009.
[6781] "Sonars and Strandings: Are Beaked Whales the Aquatic Acoustic Canary",
Acoustics Today, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 45-55, 08/2014.
[1332] "Shattering sonar and similar misconceptions",
livebetter, issue 5: livebetter Magazine, pp. 26-32, 10/2009.
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Bioacoustics, vol. 8, issue 1, pp. 103-136, 1997.
[84] "Structure, function, and adaptation of the manatee ear",
Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, New York, Plenum Press, pp. 77-95, 1993.
[72] "Structure and function in whale ears",
Bioacoustics, vol. 8, issue 1, pp. 103-136, 1997.
[1332] "Shattering sonar and similar misconceptions",
livebetter, issue 5: livebetter Magazine, pp. 26-32, 10/2009.
[6781] "Sonars and Strandings: Are Beaked Whales the Aquatic Acoustic Canary",
Acoustics Today, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 45-55, 08/2014.
[1615] "Specialization for underwater hearing by the tympanic middle ear of the turtle, (Trachemys scripta elegans)",
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 279, issue 1739: The Royal Society, pp. 2816-2824, 03/2012.
[32] Scientific research caucus statement: report of the federal representatives of the marine mammal commission advisory committee on acoustic impacts on marine mammals (supplement),
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[6781] "Sonars and Strandings: Are Beaked Whales the Aquatic Acoustic Canary",
Acoustics Today, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 45-55, 08/2014.
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[1615] "Specialization for underwater hearing by the tympanic middle ear of the turtle, (Trachemys scripta elegans)",
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 279, issue 1739: The Royal Society, pp. 2816-2824, 03/2012.
[72] "Structure and function in whale ears",
Bioacoustics, vol. 8, issue 1, pp. 103-136, 1997.
[1615] "Specialization for underwater hearing by the tympanic middle ear of the turtle, (Trachemys scripta elegans)",
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 279, issue 1739: The Royal Society, pp. 2816-2824, 03/2012.
[1615] "Specialization for underwater hearing by the tympanic middle ear of the turtle, (Trachemys scripta elegans)",
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 279, issue 1739: The Royal Society, pp. 2816-2824, 03/2012.
[84] "Structure, function, and adaptation of the manatee ear",
Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, New York, Plenum Press, pp. 77-95, 1993.
[84] "Structure, function, and adaptation of the manatee ear",
Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, New York, Plenum Press, pp. 77-95, 1993.
[1615] "Specialization for underwater hearing by the tympanic middle ear of the turtle, (Trachemys scripta elegans)",
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 279, issue 1739: The Royal Society, pp. 2816-2824, 03/2012.
[84] "Structure, function, and adaptation of the manatee ear",
Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, New York, Plenum Press, pp. 77-95, 1993.
[1330] "Supreme court wrestles with whales vs. sonar",
Oceanus, vol. 47, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 42-43, 09/2009.
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