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[6238] "Sound propagation through the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) head modeled using the finite element method",
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Submitted.
[6781] "Sonars and Strandings: Are Beaked Whales the Aquatic Acoustic Canary",
Acoustics Today, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 45-55, 08/2014.
[6237] "Characterization of lipids in adipose depots associated with minke and fin whale ears: comparison with “acoustic fats” of toothed whales",
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[6236] "Elastic modulus of cetacean auditory ossicles",
The Anatomical Record, vol. 297, issue 5, pp. 892-900, 02/2014.
[6236] "Elastic modulus of cetacean auditory ossicles",
The Anatomical Record, vol. 297, issue 5, pp. 892-900, 02/2014.
[6241] "Fatty sound reception in minke whales: the lipid composition and potential function of fats associated with mysticete ears",
20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, Society for Marine Mammology, pp. 229, 2013.
[6243] "Centralizing marine mammal stranding data: a web-based content management system",
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[6240] Acoustic fatheads: Parallel adaptations for underwater hearing in whales, turtles, and sea birds.,
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[6240] Acoustic fatheads: Parallel adaptations for underwater hearing in whales, turtles, and sea birds.,
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[6244] "Biomechanical evidence of low to infrasonic hearing in Mysticetes: implications for impacts",
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[3585] "Great ears: functional comparisons of land and marine leviathan ears",
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[3585] "Great ears: functional comparisons of land and marine leviathan ears",
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Scientific American, vol. 301, issue 4: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 96, 10/2009.
[1333] "Investigating sonar and whale strandings",
Oceanus, vol. 47, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 38-41, 09/2009.
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The Anatomical Record, vol. 291: Wiley-Liss, pp. 263-282, 12/2007, 2008.
[3583] "Great Ears: Functional comparisons of land and marine leviathan ears",
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 120, issue 5, pp. 3265, 2006.
[3583] "Great Ears: Functional comparisons of land and marine leviathan ears",
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[3582] "Great ears: functional comparisons of land and marine leviathan auditory systems",
International Mammalogical Congress, Sapporo, Japan, 2005.
[3582] "Great ears: functional comparisons of land and marine leviathan auditory systems",
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[1334] "WHOI Right Whale initiative accelerates research",
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[42] "How to see what whales hear",
Oceanus, vol. 43, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 59-63, 03/2005.
[1336] "Playing tag with whales",
Oceanus, vol. 43, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 57-58, 03/2005.