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[84] "Structure, function, and adaptation of the manatee ear",
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[17] "Why do whales beach themselves? Are strandings increasing?",
Scientific American, vol. 301, issue 4: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 96, 10/2009.
[77] "Estimates of blast injury and acoustic trauma zones for marine mammals from underwater explosions",
Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals, Woerden, The Netherlands, De Spil Publishers, pp. 391-408, 1995.
[85] "The cetacean ear: form, frequency, and evolution",
Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, New York, Plenum Press, pp. 53-75, 1993.
[82] "Blast injury in humpback whale ears: evidence and implications",
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 94, issue 3 pt. 2, Denver, Colorado, Acoustical Society of America, pp. 1849-1850, 09/1993.
[76] "In vivo vs. in situ measures in cochlear implantation. Invited paper.",
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Temporal Bone Workshop., 1996.
[66] "Man-made noise in the oceans: irrelevant or irreparable? (Plenary lecture)",
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Live Better Magazine, Nov/Dec 2010, issue 7, pp. 4 pgs, 12/2010.
[84] "Structure, function, and adaptation of the manatee ear",
Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, New York, Plenum Press, pp. 77-95, 1993.
[1440] A Manual for the Removal, Fixation and Preservation of Cetacean Ears,
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[86] "The marine mammal ear: specializations for aquatic audition and echolocation",
The Evolutionary Biology of Hearing, New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 717-750, 1992.
[83] "Differences in post-meningitis occlusions of the inner ear in children vs. adults",
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[77] "Estimates of blast injury and acoustic trauma zones for marine mammals from underwater explosions",
Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals, Woerden, The Netherlands, De Spil Publishers, pp. 391-408, 1995.
[66] "Man-made noise in the oceans: irrelevant or irreparable? (Plenary lecture)",
World Marine Mammal Conference; joint meeting, European Cetacean Society and the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Monaco, European Cetacean Society and the Society for Marine Mammalogy, 1998.
[85] "The cetacean ear: form, frequency, and evolution",
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[80] "The role of temporal bone imaging in cochlear implants",
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[53] "Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to obtain shapes and sizes of Pinniped and Cetacean brain regions that depend on thyroid hormones for maturation",
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[1464] "Auditory temporal resolution and evoked responses to pulsed sounds for the Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)",
Journal of Comparative Physiology A Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, vol. 197, issue 12: Journal of Comparative Physiology A, pp. 1149-1158, 12/2011.
[1464] "Auditory temporal resolution and evoked responses to pulsed sounds for the Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)",
Journal of Comparative Physiology A Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, vol. 197, issue 12: Journal of Comparative Physiology A, pp. 1149-1158, 12/2011.
[1464] "Auditory temporal resolution and evoked responses to pulsed sounds for the Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)",
Journal of Comparative Physiology A Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, vol. 197, issue 12: Journal of Comparative Physiology A, pp. 1149-1158, 12/2011.