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[773] Ketten, D. R., "Marine mammal auditory systems: a summary of audiometric and anatomical data and its implications for underwater acoustic impacts", NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS, La Jolla, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) / National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) / Southwest Fisheries Science Center, pp. 74, 2008, 1998. Abstract
[80] Ketten, D. R., "The role of temporal bone imaging in cochlear implants", Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, Otology-Neurotology, vol. 2, issue 5, pp. 401-408, 1994. Abstract
[6235] Ketten, D. R., J. J. Arruda, S. R. Cramer, and M. Yamato, "Great ears: Low frequency sensitivity correlates in land and marine leviathans", The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, New York, Springer-Verlag, In Press.
[1435] Ketten, D. R., "Marine mammal auditory system noise impacts: evidence and incidence", The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol. 730, New York, Springer Science+Business Media LLC, pp. 207-212, 2012. Abstract
[86] Ketten, D. R., "The marine mammal ear: specializations for aquatic audition and echolocation", The Evolutionary Biology of Hearing, New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 717-750, 1992. Abstract
[66] Ketten, D. R., "Man-made noise in the oceans: irrelevant or irreparable? (Plenary lecture)", World Marine Mammal Conference; joint meeting, European Cetacean Society and the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Monaco, European Cetacean Society and the Society for Marine Mammalogy, 1998. Abstract
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[82] Ketten, D. R., J. Lien, and S. Todd, "Blast injury in humpback whale ears: evidence and implications", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 94, issue 3 pt. 2, Denver, Colorado, Acoustical Society of America, pp. 1849-1850, 09/1993. Abstract
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[77] Ketten, D. R., "Estimates of blast injury and acoustic trauma zones for marine mammals from underwater explosions", Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals, Woerden, The Netherlands, De Spil Publishers, pp. 391-408, 1995. Abstract
[46] Ketten, D. R., "Beaked whale necropsy findings for strandings in the bahamas, puerto rico, and madeira, 1999-2002", Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Publication, Woods Hole, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 34, 11/2005. Abstract
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[67] Ketten, D. R., "Marine mammal ears: an anatomical perspective on underwater hearing", International Congress on Acoustics, vol. 3: Elsevier Publishing, pp. 1657-1660, 1998. Abstract
[85] Ketten, D. R., "The cetacean ear: form, frequency, and evolution", Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, New York, Plenum Press, pp. 53-75, 1993. Abstract
[56] Ketten, D. R., T. K. Rowles, S. R. Cramer, J. T. O' Malley, J. J. Arruda, and P. G. H. Evans, "Cranial trauma in beaked whales", Proceedings of the Workshop on Active Sonar and Cetaceans, vol. 42 - Special Issue, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, European Cetacean Society, pp. 21-27, 02/2004, 2003. Abstract